Why should I submit my/my child's medical records to the CMDIR?

Why should I submit my/my child's medical records to the CMDIR?

Medical records submitted to the CMDIR are used to confirm your diagnosis and better understand the care you are receiving. Through these records, your healthcare providers track the care you've received over time and across different doctors. Medical records contain your health status and medical history, ideally in an electronic format to make it easier for your entire healthcare team to access the information. This results in more coordinated care, helping to improve your treatment and overall health.

The CMDIR curates records you submit to grow the power of our research data. Records that document diagnosis, testing, health status and medical history can be used to answer a number of research questions. By sharing what you can, you play an important part in pioneering new research in congenital muscle disorders.

FAQ Ordered Group: 
Sharing Your Medical Records